
What’s Happening?

TESL NB’s spring 2017 meeting highlights exciting new initiatives and possibilities                         

The May 2017 TESL NB general meeting was one filled with the spirit of possibility. It is an exciting time to be involved with TESL in this province, in all its forms, and TESL NB is working hard to provide the leadership, resource and professional development support our membership needs to continue moving forward in their practice.

One of the highlights of the meeting was an unveiling of TESL NB’s new website ( Thank you to, particularly software  engineer Craig Whynot, for providing the time and resources to develop our new site. Please check out the rest of the site and let us know what you think! For those that have already submitted their forms for membership this year, please expect an email from us soon, providing your unique member login information, so you can access the members only section of the site. (Others can easily become new members with a few clicks!)

Another highlight from May’s meeting was a Skype call with TESL NS’s President, Kris Mitchell, to discuss the possibility of holding a joint conference with TESL NS. Please email if you are interested in joining a planning committee to work on this exciting opportunity, with co-chairs from TESL NB and TESL NS. The planning committee’s initial mandate will be to explore location and structure of a fall 2018 joint conference.